
jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

Te invitamos al HaPI B Day!!! celebracion por el cumple de Yamapi

 HaPi B DAY!! una celebracion unica para las fans de NEWS & YAMAPI

La fiesta sera llevada a cabo el proximo 16 de abril en el NEKO CAFE ubicado en la calle de Bucarelli 68 Local I

(a unas cuantas calles del metro Balderas pasando la Alameda, Frente al Reloj Chino)

El horario del evento es de 12:30 pm a 6:30 pm aproximadamente
Las veremos en el metro Balderas a las 12 en punto, no habra tiempo de espera esta vez, asi que las que quieran llegar mas tarde y no conozcan el cafe pueden escribirnos un mail y ya les explicamos con detalles como llegar.
El costo del evento es de 45 pesos que pagaran via deposito en el banco ( minimo el 50 % y el resto el dia del evento) o bien que aparten sus lugares via mail especificando numero de asistentes, pero les comento que es mas recomendable que paguen antes por que ya tenemos incluso reservaciones hechas y las chicas que paguen llevaran preferencia.
El numero de cuenta es el 5256 7802 7276 0999 a nombre de Melania Ibarra en Banamex
cuando realicen sus pagos por favor mandenme un scan o los datos de su ficha al correo
Incluso recibiremos confirmaciones de pago un dia antes del evento
esto para garantizarles su sitio en la celebración que incluira un monton de rifas, muchas proyecciones y juegos, pastel, regalos asi como nuestra ya tradicional competencia de canto por equipos o individual de las canciones de PI ( las asistentes a los cumpleaños de Ryo y Tego deben recordar los divertido que es y saben que todas cantamos y podremos tener nuestras sesiones de baile tambien asi que ensayen minimo koi no ABO o sakura girl >_< para bailar juntas)
Y una mega sorpresa mas..
Tambien abrimos la convocatoria al primer concurso de porras NEWS!!!
Asi es chicas!! inventen sus porras y compartanlas con todas nosotras!! estaremos haciendo este concurso en todos los eventos de NEWS de este año, las finalistas tendran regalos especiales ademas de que la porra que gane sera la porra que usara el fan club!!!
(y la anunciaremos antes de nuestra fiesta de fin de año donde la estrenaremos),
 asi que animense e incribanse, entre mas detalles tenga la porra mejor, por ejemplo coreografia *_*
 y pueden hacerla de forma individual o por equipos...
para mas informacion sobre el concurso manden un mail, en este caso sera indispensable que la presenten el dia de los eventos por escrito, para asi irlas archivando ademas de que seran grabadas al momento en que las esten realizando.
Asi que chicas (y chicos) los estaremos esperando con los brazos abiertos, este evento significa mucho para nosotras por que hace un año nos juntamos por primera vez asi que queremos festejar en grande...ademas de que les presentaremos de manera formal el club de Yamapi Mexico
 (para todas las chicas que quieran inscribirse ese dia recabare sus datos).
Un favor mas... ojala puedan ir de rojo!! aunque sea un detallito en el pelo,  nuestra fiesta sera tematica en este color asi que para la foto del recuerdo seremos una inmensa masa roja llena de amor por Pi...
mas informacion solo manden un mail  que aparece mas arriba o contesten este mensaje en los distintos blogs donde aparecera publicado y con gusto las atenderemos
y recuerden visitar nuestro nuevo blog:
+NOTA IMPORTANTE 1: el consumo en el cafe es individual

+NOTA IMPORTANTE 2: este evento es producido por PEECA para NEWS MEXICO  

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

2011.02.16 ¿Tegoshi Yuya es GAY? Entrevista [Kagayaki-hito]

Muy diveritida traduccion y se enteraran de varias cosas muy curiosas de nuestro Tego
creditos y agradecimientos a KAWAI KABOCHITA y las descargas con ella

martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

Marching J」

martes 29 de marzo de 2011

Oh! Llegan buenas noticias por parte de la JE!

Al parecer estos chicos guapos empezaran con los
eventos a beneficio de lo sucedido en Japón!

Torneo de caridad de Béisbol de los Johnny's!

Johnny anunció que próximamente habrá un nuevo evento
bajo el nombre de 「Marching J」 con todos los artistas
de la compañía JE que se reunirán en apoyo a Japón
tras los hechos sucedidos por el tsunami y el terremoto.

Este evento está planeado para el próximo 29 de mayo
en el Tokyo Dome, será un torneo benéfico de béisbol.

El nombre del evento 「Marching J」, fue dado por el
el presidente Johnny Kitawaga con el significado
de "Marching" (marcha), que significa
"marchar hacia adelante" y la "J" que tendrá dos
significados, el primero es por Japón y el otro será
por Johnny's.

Además también se dice que habrá un concierto benéfico
de la JE en beneficio del "ahorro a la energía eléctrica"
el 01.04 por 3 días. Algunos asrtistas que se han
mencionado son: ARASHI, SMAP, TOKIO, KINKI KIDS, V6...y practicamente todo el elenco de la agencia.
La participación será en el primer gimnasio de Yoyogi.

Waa! Se vienen proyectos de apoyo para Japón por parte
de nuestros queridos chicos!! *-*

Seguiremos al pendiente ;)

Créditos: sanspo + yomiuri + yamakaze +arashi Mexico

EDITO MAS INFORMACION : Recorrido Johnny por Japón...

Los participantes:

Matchy, Shounentai, Uchiumi, Satou, Okamoto, SMAP, Tokio, Kinki Kids, V6 (no incluye a Inohara a causa de trabajo de otro tipo), Arashi, Takki & Tsubasa, NEWS, Kanjani8, KAT-TUN, HSJ, Nakayama, Sano, Toma, Yara, Yonehana , Machida, Kazama,Hasegawa, Uchi, Kis-My-Ft2, ABC-Z, B.I.Shadow,
En total 83 personas + Johnnys Jr.

Habrán eventos de apoyo cada mes.
El primero será del 04.01.2011 - 03.04.2011 en Yoyogi 1 Taiikukan. Será un evento de recaudación de fondos.


lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

Tegoshi + futbol para ayudar

La gran pasion de Tego+sus grandes ganas de ayudar= a un partido pro caridad ( juntando fondos) kyaaaa se ve tan guapo!! y segun lei volvera a jugar!!
dejo las fotos ( Tego esta rubito de nuevo *_*)

Is Big NEWS: Tegomass no ai dvd/ fecha de lanzamiento!!

TEGOMASS no AI DVD LANZAMIENTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

salida el:

5/11発売 デゴマス[テゴマス 2nd ライブ テゴマスのあい]DVD発売決定!



mmmhh mhhh retomando aire les dejo los datos : 


- 52 paginas special package

DVD TOTAL (235 min)

【DISC 1】 (103 MIN)

◆テゴマスのあい■ (TEGOMASS no AI )

Neiro / La La Sakura / Kimi + Boku = LOVE? / Miso Soup / Chocolate / What's going on? / Moshimo Kono Sekai kara OO ga naku nattara / Omoikata no Chiisana Koi / AiAi Gasa / Hajimete no Asa / Kesenai / Minna ga iru sekai wo motto give & take shimashou / Boku no Cinderella / MC / Chu Chu Chu! / Pasta / Hanamuke / Bokuranosora / HIGHWAY / Cheetah Gorilla Orangutan

( 音色/ら・ら・桜/キミ+ボ ク=LOVE?/ミソスープ/Chocolate/What’s going on?/もしも、この世界から◯◯がなくなったら/片想いの小さな恋/アイ アイ傘/はじめての朝/ケセナイ/みんながいる世界をひとつに愛をもっとGive&Takeしましょう/僕のシンデレラ/MC/Chu Chu  Chu!/パスタ/はなむけ/ぼくらの空/HIGHWAY/チーター ゴリラ オランウータン )

【DISC 2】(105 MIN)

Yoru wa hoshi wo nakamete okure / Kiss! kaeri michi no love song / Chicken Boy



Tadaima Okaeri / Boku no Cinderella / Ai no naka de


◆テゴマスのあいのうら ―Tour Documentary―


To secure your first press copy of any of the items listed below, preorder on or before April 5, 2011.
Tegomass (Tegomasu)/Tegomass 2nd Live Tegomass no Ai[Limited Edition]  DVD
5905 yen US$71/82.6  Release Date:2011/05/11
Description:Second Live DVD release from Tegomass featuring footage of their live performance at Yoyogi National Gymnasium on June 4, 2010 and documentary of additional performance "Zoku, Tegomass no Ai" featruing three songs. Limited edition includes a 52-page special book.
Tegomass (Tegomasu)/Tegomass 2nd Live Tegomass no Ai[Regular Edition]  DVD
5238 yen US$63/82.6  Release Date:2011/05/11
Description:Second Live DVD release from Tegomass featuring footage of their live performance at Yoyogi National Gymnasium on June 4, 2010 and documentary of additional performance "Zoku, Tegomass no Ai" featruing three songs.

sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011

Tegoshi ai nante Shonen Premium

Ya tiene rato este video pero es taaan lindo y ya con subs en ingles aunque sea...

creditos y agradecimientos eterny subs


DESCARGAR Tegoshi Yuya - Ai Nante - SCP 2010.04.16

viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

Aviso: El blog de NEWS MEXICO fue hackeado y borrado

Esta es una noticia muy muy trsite para mi por que quienes me conocen saben como soy de comprometida con las cosas, en este caso el blog de NEWS MEXICO era una gran alegria para mi, todos los dias me llenaba de ilusion ver que cosas podia compartirles, incluso las duras noticias y planes esperanzadores para Japón que en estas fechas tan dificil lo han estado pasando, pero el dia de hoy me tope con que alguien hackeo el blog, no me dio tiempo de hacer mucho por que nos fue sacando a todas las colaboradoras hasta que borro todo el blog U_U en verdad lamento con todo mi corazón que haya personas asi pero si creen que rompen con nuestro espiritu no es asi, como sea saldremos de esta y espero incluso podamos recuperar todo lo que perdimos el dia de hoy...

hago esto como una denuncia por que de ninguna forma nos quedaremos con los brazos cruzados, si le dan click en las imagenes podran ver mejor los mensajes de esta cobarde persona... si le hace sentir bien el destruir el trabajo y esfuerzo de los demas no es digno de nada...

atte Meli orgullosa staff de NEWS MEXICO

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Resumen del programa K chan NEWS

Como les comente el fin de semana, este lunes en Japón salio al aire este programa y como invitado estuvo Masuda, tambien les comente que se esperaba fuera un programa muy emotivo y lo cumplieron ya que el tema principal fueron las fans y sus experiencias en esta situacion tan complicada y triste como lo fue el terremoto de este 11 de marzo...

Asi que tanto Keii como Massu leyeron cartas y llamadas, hubo una en especial que me hizo sentir muchas cosas, la historia de una chica que narraba que con los cortes de luz,  en un momento su mami se topo con su lamparita del concierto diamond de NEWS y que sintio como los nenes las iluminaban, fue muy tierno por que ellos mismos comentaron que jamas llegaron a pensar que los souvenirs de los conciertos pudieran ayudar de esta forma a las fans... por cierto las canciones que pusieron en le programa :Kibou Yell y News Nippon... con toda la intencion de hacer sentir un poco mas aliviados a todos y por lo visto lo lograron ya que otra fan comento que la semana pasada sin poder escuchar a Keii se sintio triste pero al escuchar Kibou pudo reanimarse ( es increible lo que logra una cancion)

Tambien comentaron como es lo de los cortes de luz incluso para ellos es duro pero admiten que de ninguna forma se compara con el sufrimiento de la gente en el noreste del pais asi que pondran todo de si para aguantar e incluso comentaron acerca de las medidas  que la agencia esta haciendo con la intencion de ayudar...

Asi que fue un programa muy muy especial, podran leer toda la transcripcion en ingles AQUI prometo traducirlo solo denme algo de tiempo ne??

Aniversario Tegomass Ai Mexico

Increible pero cierto!! hace un año que este club se aperturo!!! en verdad muchas gracias a todas las personas que apoyaron esta idea que si bien  Tegomass es una sub unidad de NEWS se merecian su propio especio y orgullosamente puedo decirles que estoy muy feliz con todo lo que hemos logrado asi que por eso les informo que si bien este mes por varios motivos no tuve como preparar algo para festejar proximamente les tendre una gran sorpresa asi que atentas al blog y al foro de Tegomass Ai Mexico...por que si habra un evento especial para juntarnos a festejar.

y si este 28 de marzo tienen algo de tiempo y ganas pasen a visitarnos y dejenos un mensajito de felicitacion vale?? asi se animaran a conocer el maravilloso foro y todo el trabajo que alla hacemos...

Visita el foro AQUI

Revistas febrero 2011

Only Star 28.02.2011

Descarga: MF

SONGS 15.02.2011

Descarga: MF
TV Guide
19.02.2011 - 25.02.2011

Descarga: MF
Weekly The TV
19.02.2011 - 25.02.2011
Descarga: MF
TV Pia
19.02.2011 - 06.03.2011

Descarga: MF
TV Life
19.02.2011 - 04.03.2011

Descarga: MF

creditos: sailorocean, 2000tegoshi, cookiesmon

creditos y agradecimientos a Ness to Lena wo produce

sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011

Keii chan y Massu noticias

Y de nuevo comienza a fluir la informacion primero les cuento que, este lunes 21 de marzo se reestablece  la transmision del programa de radio de Keii chan y tendra como invitado a Massu!! sera la primera vez que se presenten desde el terremoto ya que se cancelaron por una semana las transmisiones, se cree que el programa ya esta grabado desde antes pero aun asi sera un alivio poder escucharlos, ya que estaran leyendo mensajes de las fans pero sobre todo nos diran como estan las cosas por alla y como estan ellos despues de tanto que ha pasado en los ultimos dias, es casi seguro que sera un programa muy lindo lleno de mensajes positivos ( mas conociendolos), podran escuchar el programa y saber mas acerca de esto AQUI

Rumor: Unit Temporal en la Johnnys entretainment

Asi es... hoy despertamos con la noticia de que posiblemente se esta formando una unida temporal en la Johnny entreteinment  que llevaria por  nombre "J-FRIENDS" ( nombre que ya se ha usado antes en causas similares en el pasado).
Con la simple intencion de poder ayudar a los mas necesitados en Japón grabarian un sencillo y se presentarian en varias plazas como el Tokyo dome, Osaka dome y el Nagoya dome a partir del mes de junio de 2011, esta idea no es nueva de hecho en el terremoto de 1995 (en Hanshin-Awaji) se hizo practicamente lo mismo,  la agencia se encargo de enlistar  a los idols y sacarlos  de gira asi como promocionar un single...para de esta forma reunir fondos para los damnificados.

Basicamente estamos en la espera de que suceda lo mismo y entre los nombres que pudieran ser considerados encontramos a:

Arashi (Masaki Aiba, Ohno Satoshi, Sakurai Sho, Ninomiya Kazunari, Matsumoto jun)
KAT-TUN (Kamenashi Kazuya, Tanaka Koki, Nakamaru Yuuichi)
Kanjani∞ (Yokoyama Yu, Murakami Shingo, Nishikido Ryo, Okura Tadayoshi)
Hey!Say!JUMP (Yamada Ryosuke, Chinen Yuuri)
NEWS (Yamashita Tomohisa, Masuda Takahisa, Tegoshi Yuya)
V6 (Sakamoto Masayuji, Inohara Yoshihiko)
mas o menos hablamos de 19 integrantes para conformarla...

Esperemos se confirme la noticia pero en cuanto sepa mas vendre de inmediato a informarlos...


viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

Tegomass photoshop aoi bench

Aun en los dias mas oscuros hay un rayito de luz...


Download : HERE

Download: HERE
creditos y agradecimientos tegomass_ai

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011

Traduccion Saita de abril

Ahora la traduccion en ingles de la revista saita con Tegoshi

Tegoshi Saita 4.11  
Have been a little put off translating for the last few week so I kinda just haven’t been doing it ): Leave it to Tego to pull me back into it though ♥ XDD

Saita always gives us pretty awesome date type interviews, this time it’s no different :) Last time Tegoshi got a café date and now it’s an at home date! How would Tegoshi want to spend time with his girlfriend at home? What if skull got jealous? And Tegoshi would even have at home clothes waiting for her so she’d be comfortable, aww~ XD

Saita 4.11

Johnny’s ‘Welcome to my house!’

Q. With what words would you welcome her to your home?
 “Just take it easy!”

“A date at home is kind of nice. You can spend time however you like in a room where there’s no one but the 2 of you…That’s why, if I were to have an at home date then I’d want to greet my girlfriend with a phrase the shows that I want to just relax together.” Says Tegoshi-san, suddenly giving an answer that would make your heart jump.

And also, the fact that he says that without doing anything special because it’s a date “I’ll be waiting for her as my usual self “ is happy ♥
“I think I’d probably do the cleaning and the laundry a lot more diligently that I normally would. My guy friends always care freely come over and it makes me think that me room is a place where it’s easy to just spend time. Also, it basically always smells nice (laugh) Like the scents from fabric softener or aroma. When my friends come over they definitely tell me ‘It smells sweet’ It seems that I like sweet scents rather than soft scents.”

Q. If you were to play your guitar for her at home?
“I’d answer any of her requests”

Tegoshi-san has shown his guitar skills at places like the concert for popular unit Tegomasu etc. Are there times where you play guitar at home?
“Yes. I have it in the living room so I can play it whenever. I play it while watching TV. By the way, songs I play often are L’Arc~en~ciel-san’s songs”

Well then, what if your girlfriend said ‘Play something’ while you were on your at home date?
“Of course, I’d play anything. If she seriously requests it, I might even sing a NEWS or Tegomasu song. Even though I never play them myself. I’d be pretty weak if she said ‘Play it no matter what ♥’ (laugh)”

By the way, it seems like there are a lot of times when you’re playing games at home
“I play soccer games and role play games. Role play games lately have all been ones where they’re produced really grandly like movies. There are times where I feel moved and cry on my own (laugh)”

Q. What if you pet dog starts to feel jealous?
“He’s a guy that can read the atmosphere (laugh) so he probably wouldn’t interrupt us in our own world!”

Tegoshi-san, who started living with a Toy poodle called ‘Skull-kun’ (male) since last summer. His reason for it was…
Living alone got a bit lonely and I was thinking that I wanted to be able to greet family. This kid was at a pet shop that I stopped to look into and I feel in love at first sight!”

Also, “I’ve become able to go straight home, even after I’ve gone out drinking with friends” this new aspect has been brought into the family. They demonstrated how well they get along today in this photo shoot but what if Skull-kun were to become jealous during Tegoshi-san’s at home date!?
“It’s fine. Because this guy can really read the atmosphere (laugh) He’d probably just think to himself ‘Ah, right now these 2 want to make a world of their own’ and he’d go into his house” Coincidentally, the name

‘Skull’ came from Tegoshi-san’s beloved motif of skulls.
“So that he matches with me, since I’m always wearing clothes with skulls on them, I make him wear clothes with skulls on them too. We’re matching. ”

Q. If the 2 of you were going to go flower viewing together, what sort of lunch you make?“100% brown rice onigiri and Mabodofu probably”

This season that makes you want to go out for flower viewing. What sort of lunch would Tegoshi-san, who says that he usually cooks, make for his girlfriend for flower viewing?“How about 100% brown rice onigiri and mabodofu? If it’s brown rice then even a girl who’s worried about her health would eat it and the mabodofu is just because I like it (laugh) I love spicy things and when I’m eating it by myself I make it with a lot of Raayu and gochujang (Korean red chilli paste)”

Besides that, he’s also good at cooking hamburger “It’s just a really orthodox burger with minced meat and onion but I properly remove all the air in the when I make them! Even if I eat it myself, I end up thinking ‘Oh, this tastes pretty good!’ (laugh)”

Q. If you 2 were going to spend time together at home at night?
“I’d wait for her with some cute pyjamas prepared” “If we’re having an at home date then the most important thing is that we’re both wearing comfortable clothes that we can feel at home in.” Says Tegoshi-san. For his girlfriend too… “I want to be waiting for her with some cute room wear or some pyjamas for sleeping. I think that I want to do for other people the things that would make me happy when another person does them for me. I don’t dislike doing things for my partner, it’s actually fun. To the point that when a guy friend of mine forgot their 1st year anniversary, I called him up in place of his girlfriend and said ‘What the hell are you doing!?’ (laugh) ”

But isn’t buying something at a store for girls embarrassing?
“I’m completelty fine with things like that. Because I went to an all boys school in middle school so we had games like ‘If you lose at scissors paper rock, you have to go into a cute store’ that I played with my friends (laugh)”

Q. The image of your ideal wife is?
“I look up to relationships where they can face each other honestly”

The type Tegoshi-san likes is.. “For both girls and guys, it’s a person who shows a good smile. When you’re having fun, it’s best if your feelings show that you’re having fun. My emotions are totally wide opened, to the point that friends tell me ‘If I look at your face, I can tell what you’re thinking right away’ (laugh) For my future family, being in a relationship where we’re honest is ideal. We respect each other and we don’t have to force ourselves if there’s something we don’t want to do…I think that sort of free atmosphere is good.”

Q. Please tell us your dream
“I want to do some work involving soccer, which I love!”

When we asked about his dream, “I want to do a job involving soccer, which I’ve loved and have been playing since I was a kid!” says Tegoshi-san with sparkling eyes. Even now, when he has the time he goes to practise and to matches with friends “I’m really detailed when it comes to the pro soccer players as well. I think I can explain what is amazing about those players by actually doing the plays myself (laugh) Something like that World Cup Official supporter or having a column in a soccer magazine, anything’s fine so I just want to try and do it. ”

On top of that, he also has this expectation
“My fans starting to like soccer, or soccer fans coming to see our concerts…If these people who are in different territories can mix together without discrimination, then that would be really nice”

creditos y agradecimientos a Hello Michi...

Tegomasu on TV Pia NEWS Color Pallet 2 Mar 2011 - Traduccion ingles

Algo es algo por lo menos en ingles es mas facil leerlo... creditos y agradecimientos a faith_alive *_*

Translation of TV Pia NEWS Color Pallet 2 Mar 2011 featuring Tegomasu, and I hope everyone will stay cheerful and hopeful in the face of adversity.

Scans credit to [info]cookiesmon

The colour of Tegomasu

Tegomasu's new single, their fifth and which will be released on 16 Feb (Thu), is a cover of male duo Sasuke's famous song, Aoi Bench. They talk to us about creating the song with their 'colour' and harmony, their school days, and flee~ting memories of graduation.

Covering Aoi Bench with a Tegomasu-like arrangement

---Coming after NEWS's activities, this release has been a long time coming.

Tegoshi: Being NEWS and Tegomasu is enjoyable in its own way. It's really great that I've been allowed to do both.

Masuda: I've been looking forward to it. It is nice to be once again able to use songs and words to leave something behind in people's hearts.

---And this is Tegomasu's first cover.

T: Our first!

M: An offer came, asking if we would like to cover the song. And we replied, yes, we want to!

---Any parts of the song or the arrangement that are unique to Tegomasu?

T: The music arrangement is different, and falsettos have been included so the singing style is completely different. I think it gives a very good feeling.

M: I think when each of us sang the new arrangement in turn, we had already injected Tegomasu's colour into the song. I had listened to the original when it was released, and I thought it would be good if I could sing the song while recalling what I felt then, while allowing our colour to seep into the song.

---The harmony's wonderful. During the recording process, did each of you listen deeply to each other's recording?

M: Yup. Other than the way we project our voices and the feelings conveyed, we also think about "how should I harmonise?". The actual can also turn out differently from what we thought it would be, so we try out different approaches and have fun at it too.

T: Yes, because Massu recorded first. When I am harmonising I try to blend, and when it's my solo I'll project myself. Just like with NEWS, I'll listen to the main melody, and blend my singing in based on the rhythm and the way the other person sang. We have probably done a lot of listening to each other's while we sing, and we consciously try to blend our voices, and this basically creates our harmony.

---The coupling song Sotsugyou Album has a simple music arrangement.

T: I like Sotsugyou Album a lot too! It's difficult to sing because the instruments used are so few, but that what makes it cool too!

M: It's wonderful! When I was listening to it, I was thinking I wanted all graduating students to sing this song.

---Which aspects of the song, like the lyrics etc, left an impression on you?

M: I really like the story of this song, which is about a person being reminded of his graduation from 10 years back as he reads his graduation album.

T: It's really forward-looking. When you're a student, you hardly think about the future, don't you? Because you're really enjoying your student days, that's why you don't think about the future. Especially in elementary, junior high and senior high school, you're having fun making friends and all, and I think the song portrays that youthful spirit.

---Anyway, do you remember what you wrote in your graduation album?

T: Eh-... what did I write? Probably, soccer player?

M: When I was in elementary school, I wanted to be a soccer player too. But when I was in my fifth year, I started thinking differently, so I definitely didn't write that in my graduation album (laugh).

---Any particular memories related to graduation or to the uniform button?

(T/N: Apparently in Japanese schools there is a tradition at graduation where girls approach the boys they like for the buttons on their uniforms as keepsakes. The second button on the gakuran is the most sought after as it is closest to the boy's heart. The number of girls asking a boy for his buttons is also said to be an indicator of the boy's popularity with the girls.)

T: No~ no one ever came to ask for my button~! (cries)

---Did you have school uniforms?

T: In junior high I had a gakuran-style uniform, and a blazer-style uniform in senior high. I had to go overseas for work after my senior high school graduation ceremony. It was like graduation and then 'bye bye' and there was nothing left.

(T/N: Left is the gakuran-style uniform, right the blazer-style uniform)

M: I probably didn't give away my button? I couldn't attend my junior high graduation ceremony because of work, and I went home immediately after my senior high graduation ceremony. So even though probably everyone wanted my button, it was like (acts cool) "my button? that's a little... (acts to reject request)". But my uniform's blazer-style, so there're only 2 buttons on the jacket (laugh).

---If it was a gakuran there would have been a war for the buttons!

M: (embarrassed) No, no!

T: Oh yeah! There's no button on the blazer so the requests don't come!

M: There are 2 buttons.

T: But if you're talking about giving away buttons, doesn't that bring up the image of the gakuran?

M: Yeah, because of the button near the heart.

T: The so-called "second button".

M: With the blazer it becomes the button near the navel!

T: I wanted someone to say this to me (acts as a girl) "Senpai, is it ok if you let me have your button?"! I was waiting! (laugh)

Encouraging words of farewell from the duo, for everyone who's about to spread their wings towards the future

---Please leave a message for the students graduating this spring, and also for fans who'll be starting on a new phase in their lives.

T: I would like the students to enjoy their remaining school days. If there is a period in my life I'd like to return to, it would be my junior high and senior high school days. There's no chance of wearing school uniforms once out of school. For those starting on a new phase in their lives, they'll probably face many insecurities, but they can also enjoy the experience of having all these insecurities! I don't think failure is a bad thing, even if it happens you can take it as a learning experience and use that experience for the future, so I think it's better to challenge many things without fear.

M: Even now I am on good terms with friends I have made in school, from as far back as kindergarten and elementary school, and so I would like everyone to create good memories with their friends and to treasure those memories. Graduation is a step towards to the future, I'd like everyone to challenge a wide variety of things, and encounter many wonderful people and things. Congratulations on your graduation!

Related to the lyrics of Sotsugyou Album, what do you see when you look back at 10 years ago?

T: I was in the school soccer club, and I devoted myself to kicking a soccer ball around. I would wake up in the morning, put on my gakuran and take the train to school... Now that I think about it, I actually woke up at 6, 7 o'clock every morning then, that's quite amazing (laugh). Now I keep that kind of schedule only when I'm filming a drama. It was fun~, my youth! (grin)

M: I worked hard at club activities! I was in the basketball club, in my mind I had the image that girls would come into the sports hall and cheer the club members on, like (in a girly voice) "that senpai is cool♥", and I thought being in the basketball club = being popular with the girls. But from the time I joined the basketball club in my first year of junior high to the time I graduated... there was probably nothing! A pity~ (laugh). After club activities we would all buy tea or canned juice and walk home together, that was fun~.

What do you think you'll be like 10 years later?

T: 33 years old~. My personality definitely wouldn't have changed, but it'll be good if I had, through experience, become more mature by one or two levels. But I don't want to lose the youthful spirit, or rather the honesty that I have right now. Cosplay? Fufu (laugh). The fans would have aged 10 years too, so I'll still do it like I'm doing it now! (laugh)

M: 10 years later I'll be 34. I want to be cool! I want to have a physique like Higashiyama (Noriyuki)-san, so I should learn from his example and work out. My ideal is to become a disciplined and good adult.

What would you like the NEWS members to graduate from?
T: Nothing~! He's got no weird habits.
M: Wouldn't it be interesting if we said 'his black hair'? But it seems he might say "My hair's ok, isn't it?".
T: Oh yeah, that part of him that is easily influenced.
M: Yes, there's that!

T: Uncle!
M: Ah~ the uncle part of him (laugh).
T: Now, he's probably about 45 years old. The image he gives people is too 'indoor', I think it's better if he goes exercising or outdoors.

T: Ryo-kun, hmm~.
M: Hmm, what could it be.
T: Probably oversleeping! (laugh)
M: Fufufu (laugh). Is that so?

M: He doesn't screw the cap back on! And he'll leave the cap somewhere (laugh).
T: Ahaha (laugh).

T: He should graduate from always leaving his hair down!
M: Today I'm doing it I'm doing it! (shows off his styled hair)
T: I think it's very nice! The red colour is pretty too.
M: (Looks proud) It looks good?
T: Yup, red suits you!

M: Tegoshi... the soccer club! Ah that's no good, not interesting (laugh). Skulls!
T: Hahaha! (laugh)

Speech bubbles (top to bottom)
From Tegomasu, with love

Here, please have it

Hit a home run~

Whose flowers do you prefer?

Behind the scenes

Reporter Se
The Tegomasu interview features a spring-inspired photoshoot with them holding flowers. Tegoshi (Yuya)-kun said with interest "These are tulips!". In the shot with them giving flowers to each other, they ad-libbed with gentle words: "Here, please have it~!" In the shot with them facing each other, while Tegoshi-kun gazed intently at Masuda (Takahisa)-kun, Masuda-kun's free exercise exploded everywhere (laugh), pinching Tegoshi-kun's tulips, swinging his bouquet around like a bat etc.

Scans Tegoshi en la revista Saita abril 2011

Las fotos son una belleza!!
Saita 2011-04 - 7.31MB - MU | MF

creditos y agradecimientos sailorocean *_*

Scans Tegomasu Season & Photo 2010/11-2011/04 + descarga Masterhits

 otro  post creado con la intencion de iluminar nuestro caminos, sigo mandando todos mis buenos deseos a los nipones mientras tanto estos lindos scans en la revista Duet  :D

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November 2010

March 2011

April 2011
para  descargar el master hits ( programa de Massu) solo den click en la fecha...

2011/02/25 - episode with Kitashimizu-san from Sasuke
creditos y agradecimientos Hoshi Shizuku...

Scans Tegomasu en Nikkan Sports

Nikkan Sports 2010.05.01 featuring Massu:

Nikkan Sports 2010.10.30 featuring Tegoshi:

La intencion de estos scans segun la misma autora es brindarnos algo de luz sobre todo a Japón que la esta pasando tan mal, un poco de luz en los dias mas oscuros... les aseguro que la carita de Tego bebé y el hermoso Massu por lo menos les sacara una sonrisita...
creditos y agradecimientos